Be My Valentine

Photo: Aigerim Ostapenko

On a day of all lovers
I wish you could look into the mirror and ask yourself
Will you be my Valentine?
Will you commit to each other
when times get rough and you'd rather escape to someone else's body
When you wish you'd have a different brain and life circumstances
when you wish you'd taken those lost opportunities
Will you still see the beauty in your own eyes
when the vision gets blurred by fear and confusion
when the noise gets louder than the lullaby
when the whole world is trying to prove you wrong
Will you still gently whisper in your own ears
that your imperfections are kinda cool and unique
Will you stop filling your wounds with disappointing endeavours
Will you delete someone else's empty words and broken promises
Will you stop looking from outside
and find a new path to your own backyard?
Will you?


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